Adult Business Consulting offers a one hour consultation for new clients.

The purpose of this consultation is to get to know each other a bit and to figure out if we’re a good fit for each other.

We are happy to discuss your situation and make suggestions where appropriate. Of course, until we’re working together and we’ve had a chance to really dig into your needs, we won’t be able to solve all of your issues, especially in an hour. But we endeavor to make sure you come away from the call with lots of good information.

Of course we can do a lot more once you become a regular client.

Our initial consultation is 295 dollars and is payable by PayPal. This is a one time charge.

After we have the initial consultation, we charge an affordable monthly retainer once you become a client. Or we can have additional paid consultations. It’s your choice.

Some people hesitate to pay for a consultation and we can understand that. Plus many people give their time away for free. The reason we charge is simple. Our time is valuable and we are providing you with important insights on our industry. You’re talking to us for that very reason.

We used to offer free consultations and we found that people took advantage of our good nature and either failed to show up for the call or got lots of information and went away.

Once again, our time and knowledge is valuable and we expect to be paid for it.

So we decided to charge a nominal fee for our time.

As a business professional like us we hope you understand.

We look forward to helping you with your project.

Connect with us today for an evaluation of your business and we’ll tell you how we can help make it more successful.

Please note, there is a charge for our initial consultation.

Lets Talk

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